Cia. Corpos Nômades and the Municipality of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo present: “THE ETERNAL FLIGHT OF DR. FAUSTROLL IN THE DARK CLARITY OF THE INTERNET”, a fusion of theater and dance, divided into four chapters, which will take place, with online exhibitions.
Initially, the Circulation project of Corpos Nômades, would have presentations of the repertoire show “THE ETERNAL FLIGHT OF DR. FAUSTROLL IN THE DARK CLARITY OF THE Air, created in 2017. But, with the endemic caused by COVID-19, what would happen in theaters and scenic spaces in the city of São Paulo, turned into a pure and genuine transcription, using the houses of the interpreters and transforming them into scenic spaces, thus creating a new show to be shown on the Internet.
In this challenge, for choreographic scenic montage, using all the necessary measures due to Pandemic, an intriguing mode of scenic experimentation emerged, where the scenes were created and captured especially for online exhibition, making each meeting of rehearsal, adaptation and presentation it becomes a happening, involving dance, theater, the theme of the show (myth Dr. Fausto), the objects of the scene, the objects of the houses, altering all the dramaturgy and vocal and body movements, according to the conditions of each scenic place.
The free use of the adaptation of the text by Alfred Jarry, Exploits & Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pathaphysician – A neo-scientific novel continues, translated by Eclair Almeida, who in 2014 invited João Andreazzi to take flight in the direction à Jarry, nominated by the translator of Isidore Ducasse (Count of Lautréamont) from Cantos de Maldoror, Claudio Willer, another literary work that was the inspiration for the 2010 Corpos Nômades, the “Hotel Lautréamont-Os Bruscos Buracos do Silêncio” .
The short life of the intriguing poet and playwright Alfred Jarry (08/09/1873 +01/11/1907), creator of Ubu Rei), instigated in a strange and unsettling way all the scenic construction (cinecoreodramaturgraphy), as the inventor of the science of solutions imaginary PATAFÍSICA, which weaves, in a hilarious way, the deconstruction of the real and its reconstruction in the absurd, had a strong influence in the choices of every argument for this free adaptation.
Therefore, “THE ETERNAL FLIGHT OF DR. FAUSTROLL IN THE CLARITY OBSCURE OF THE INTERNET ”, mixes the language of theater and dance, being distributed in four chapters, having as ingredients: Patafísica, the science that gives imaginary solutions to things, that there is no easy resolution, presented by Alfred Jarry ; steeped in the Myth of Faust, which was inspiration for several writers, such as: Marlowe, Goethe, Thomas Mann and tasting the very uncertain situation of the moment in Brazil and in the World, due to the endemic and the political moment, resulting in this patafisica novel, in four episodes, permeated by multiple textures, which arise from these joints and sampling, from movements, colors, sounds, images, the non-sense of being and being present but isolated, foster a transposition to the bodies of the interpreters / artists the subjectivity of today, originating a leap from realism to surrealism, from reality to a dreamlike universe and as in the dream itself, sometimes clear and in others very obscure.
There will be a Conversation / Lecture, with Claudio Willer and João Andreazzi on 12/12/20 – Saturday – at 3pm, through the Facebook of Cia. Corpos Nômades, about the life and work of Alfred Jarry.
There will be, whenever the online audience wishes, Chats with the artists of Corpos Nômades, always before and after the online exhibitions, involving the theme and the process of transcreation of the show, as well as, on the scenic research, which Andreazzi calls choreodramaturgraphy and, which for this season with online exhibition he calls, cinecoreodramaturgraphy.
In addition to this program, the Workshops / Atelés CORPOS NÔMADES – On-Line “Other Poetic Dimensions”, will take place on 01, 03, 08 and 10 December 2020, from 15h to 17h, also FREE. With these Choreographic Workshops / Ateliers, the objective is that these experiences can provide participants with the opportunity to get to know the creative process of Cia. Corpos Nômades, taking this learning to the creations of their respective artistic works. Registration: Here
These initiatives have the 27th Municipal Program for the Foment for Dance of São Paulo, from the Municipal Secretary of Culture of SP.
Synopsis: “THE ETERNAL FLIGHT OF DR. FAUSTROLL IN THE DARK CLARITY OF THE INTERNET ”. A Patafísica soap opera, in four chapters, that mixes: the theater, the dance and the resources of cinema and video art, with online exhibition. The science of imaginary solutions, PATAFÍSICA and the myth of Dr. Fausto, guided the creation of this free adaptation, which weaves, in a hilarious way, the deconstruction of the real and its reconstruction in the absurd or the construction of a dreamlike and Surrealistic universe.
Platform for online display:
On Social Networks (Facebook and Youtube): Cia. Corpos Nômades, in partnership with the Municipal Secretary of Culture of SP and Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade.
Open Rehearsal of the First Chapters: on the 19th (Thursday) and 30 (Monday) of November 2020, at 8pm. On Social Networks (Facebook and Youtube): Cia. Corpos Nômades, in partnership with Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade.
Premiere – December 2020:
First Chapters: December 4th, 5th and 6th – Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 6pm.
Second Chapters: December 11th, 12th and 13th – Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 6pm.
Third Chapters: December 15th, 16th and 17th – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm.
Fourth Chapters: December 18th, 19th and 20th – Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 6pm.
Age Range: Free
Duration: + – 45 minutes, per chapter.
Technical Crew:
Direction and Choreodramaturgraphy: João Andreazzi Cast: Cristiano Bacelar, Lina Agifu, João Andreazzi and Rossana Boccia Musicians: Alexandre Rosa (double bass), Cristiano Meirelles (accordion), Norma Gabriel (voice), Cristiano Bacelar (percussion) and Guizado (trumpet) Video Edition: Lina Agifu Video and photo capture: Lina Agifu, Rafael Gonzaga and Fábio Zerbini. Editing Original Soundtrack: Thiago Duar e Guizado Poetic Advisory: Claudio Willer Texts: Free inspiration in Dr. Faustroll’s Gestures and Opinions – Neo-Scientific Romance by Alfred Jarry, with translation by Eclair Almeida. Adaptations by J. Andreazzi. Costume Design: Cia. Corpos Nômades Scenery: Cia. Corpos Nômades Picture by Monalisa: Graffiti artist ToTa. Makeup: Cia. Corpos Nômades – Drawings on the body: Rafael Gonzaga Lighting: Rossana Boccia and Cia. Corpos Nômades Fencing Advisory: Ricardo Salles Sound, video and scenotechnical assistance: Arthur Menezes and Diogo de Carvalho. Production: Cia. Corpos Nômades, Rossana Boccia and Lina Agif Support: Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro Cultural Support: Life Quality Sports Advisory Institutional Support: Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade Realization: Cia. Corpos Nômades and Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo , through the 27th Municipal Program for the Foment for Dance of São Paulo.
CONTACT: e-mail: or WhatsApp: 55 (11) 992314457 Network: Facebook @ciacorposnomades – Instagram #ciacorposnomades