Knockout – solo (2004)
A body, waiting for something to change its current state of paralysis or movement … a body that reacts to the same extent of the action it gets … a body that accelerates and decelerates in accordance to the forces imposed on it and by it. Starting on principles of mechanics, a science that deals with the movement and the balance of forces involved in it, a dialogue is sought of the body with its physical causality, and the conflicts generated from it related to gravity (horizontality x verticality), the use of body levers, and the interaction between external forces (space – contact with the ground) and internal (contact with bodily systems). Thereby, providing for the continuation of research in contemporary dance related to floor work, to body / performer, the dramaturgy of the body, the sampling of images, movements and sounds.
– Braços e Pernas pela Cidade 2004 – SMCSP;
– Arms and Feet through the City 2004 – SCMSP
– Panorama SESI de Dança 2005;
– SESI Dance Panorama 2005